Turnover under $1 million - $290 (+GST)
You can attend as many appointments as we can provide you with each month or you can select the number of appointments to suit your budget. We will advise you of each appointment time and date in writing (your availability will be agreed in advance) and we will also provide you details about the potential new client you are going to visit so that you can prepare properly.

$1 million to $5 million - $380 (+GST)
Approaching larger clients can take a little more time but we will still aim to capture an appointment with these larger companies whenever possible. We recommend that they are booked a little further in advance (we still aim to fit these appointments in with your own commitments whenever possible, however, if you can be a little more flexible your potential new client will certainly appreciate it.

$5 million plus - $440 (+GST)
Landing the 'big fish' is of course everyone's aim and we do achieve it, in fact we have landed some VERY 'big fish' for some of our clients but if you are aiming to target these companies then patience is vital. We recommend seeking out potential new business in the form of local and regional SMEs too so that we can keep your Practice growing steadily but surely.